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uphist is merely a wrapper around the base hist function, which adds the ability to limit the upper value on the x-axis. With fisheries data it is surprisingly common to have data that has a very few extreme values that can obscure a standard plot of the data. The data are only truncated within the uphist function so any other analyses will be on all available data. If a maximum value is selected which accidently eliminates all available data the script stops with an appropriate warning. If a value is selected which fails to eliminate any data then all data are used.


uphist(x, maxval = NA, ...)



the vector of values to be plotted as a histogram


the maximum value to be retained in the plotted data


all the other arguments used by the base hist function


nothing, but it does plot a histogram


  plotprep(width=7, height=9)
  x <- rlnorm(5000, meanlog=2, sdlog=1)
  hist(x,breaks=30,main="",xlab="log-normal values")
  uphist(x,breaks=30,main="",xlab="log-normal values",maxval=100)
  uphist(x,breaks=30,main="",xlab="log-normal values",maxval=1000)