plotxyy plots two vectors of numbers against single x-axis
plotxyy plots two plots on the single graph so that they share the x-axis. The first series is plotted on the left vertical axis and the second on the right-hand axis.
x2 = x1,
xlab = "",
ylab1 = "",
ylab2 = "",
cex = 0.85,
fnt = 7,
colour = c(1, 2),
defpar = FALSE
- x1
the x values for the first variable. Always use the variable that has the widest x-axis values as the first variable to ensure all values are plotted.
- x2
the x values for the second variable.
- y1
the left-hand axis values
- y2
the right-hand axis values
- xlab
the x label, default=""
- ylab1
the left-hand y label, default=""
- ylab2
the right-hand y label, default=""
- cex
the size of font on the axes, default=0.85
- fnt
the font used on axes, default=7 (bold times)
- colour
a vector of two values for the colour of each line, default=c(1,2) black and red
- defpar
should the internal 'par' statement be used = defpar=TRUE, or the default=FALSE, which means the plot 'par' will be defined outside the plot.