histyear plots a histogram of a given variable for each year available
histyear plots a histogram of a given variable for each year available
- x
the data.frame of data with at least a 'Year' and pickvar present
- xlimit
the xaxis bounds for all histograms, defaults to c(NA,NA,NA), the values would be as used in seq(xlimit[1],xlimit[2],xlimit[3]). If the default is used then the 0 and 0.98 quantiles of the variable are used as the bounds with 25 bins
- pickvar
which variable to plot each year default = 'cpue'
- years
which variable name identifies the yaer column, default='year'
- varlabel
what label to use on x-axis, default = 'CPUE'
- vline
an optional vertical line to aid interpretation. If it is numeric it will be added to each plot
- plots
how many plots to generate, default = c(5,5)
- normadd
should a normal distribution be added to each plot. default=TRUE
- left
on which side of each plot should the year and number of records be placed left=TRUE is the default. left=FALSE will place text on right
invisibly, a matrix of the year, mean value, stdev, and N number of observations. It also plots a histogram for each year and fits a normal distribution to each one.
if (FALSE) {
print("still to be developed")
# pickvar="x100nethr";years="year";varlabel="log(CPUE)";vline=NA;plots=plotnum;
# normadd=TRUE;left=FALSE;xlimit=c(0,250,10)