RGB a wrapper for col2rgb and rgb with maxColorValue=255
RGB is a wrapper that simplifies the use of the rgb function used to generate transparent colours in plots. The basic palette of colours used can be altered with the palette() function, and see palette.pals() for a list of the palettes available by default. Each of those defines 8 colours and col is either a named colour or a number from 1 - 8. The outcome is a vector of three values the first being the value from 0-255 for red, then green, then blue. The intensity of the colour used is given by alpha, again 0-255. The use of 255 rather than 1 for the maximum value is in lione with standard usage of rgb colours. This function is not vectorized so only a single number at a time can be selected.
- col
a single value as either a number from 1-8 or a named colour, for example 'pink'
- alpha
the intensity of colour as an integer from 0-255, where 255 is a solid colour